=========================== Marginal Expected Shortfall =========================== Introduction ============ The firm's average return during the 5% worst days for the market. MES measures how exposed a firm is to aggregate tail shocks and, interestingly, together with leverage, it has a significant explanatory power for which firms contribute to a potential crisis as noted by `Acharya, Pedersen, Philippon, and Richardson (2017) `_. It is used to construct the :doc:`/measures/systemic_expected_shortfall`. References ========== - `Acharya, Pedersen, Philippon, and Richardson (2017) `_, Measuring systemic risk, *The Review of Financial Studies*, 30, (1), 2-47. - `Bisias, Flood, Lo, and Valavanis (2012) `_, A survey of systemic risk analytics, *Annual Review of Financial Economics*, 4, 255-296. API === .. autoclass:: frds.measures.MarginalExpectedShortfall Examples ======== >>> from numpy.random import RandomState >>> from frds.measures import MarginalExpectedShortfall Let's simulate some returns for the firm and the market. >>> rng = RandomState(0) >>> firm_returns = rng.normal(0,1,100) >>> mkt_returns = rng.normal(0,1,100) Compute the MES. >>> mes = MarginalExpectedShortfall(firm_returns, mkt_returns) >>> mes.estimate() 0.13494025343324562