Source code for frds.measures.spread

import numpy as np

[docs] def quoted_spread(bid: np.ndarray, ask: np.ndarray, pct_spread=True) -> float: """Quoted bid-ask spread (simple weighted) Args: bid (np.ndarray): ``(N,)`` array of ``N`` bids ask (np.ndarray): ``(N,)`` array of ``N`` asks pct_spread (bool, optional): whether to return percentage spread. Defaults to True. If False, return log spread. Returns: float: quoted spread """ bid = np.asarray(bid) ask = np.asarray(ask) assert bid.shape == ask.shape if pct_spread: midpt = (bid + ask) / 2 spread = (ask - bid) / midpt return np.average(spread) * 100 else: return np.average(np.log(ask) - np.log(bid))
[docs] def effective_spread( price: np.ndarray, midpoint: np.ndarray, volume: np.ndarray, trade_direction: np.ndarray = None, pct_spread=True, ) -> float: """Effective spread (dollar volume weighted) Args: price (np.ndarray): ``(N,)`` array of ``N`` trade prices midpoint (np.ndarray): ``(N,)`` array of ``N`` bid-ask midpoints volume (np.ndarray): ``(N,)`` array of ``N`` trade sizes trade_direction (np.ndarray, optional): ``(N,)`` array of ``N`` trade directions. Defaults to None. If None, use equation :math:numref:`effective-spread` or :math:numref:`effective-spread-log`. If set, use equation :math:numref:`effective-spread-with-direction` or :math:numref:`effective-spread-log-with-direction`. pct_spread (bool, optional): whether to return percentage spread. Defaults to True. If False, return log spread. Returns: float: effective spread """ price = np.asarray(price) midpoint = np.asarray(midpoint) volume = np.asarray(volume) assert price.shape == midpoint.shape == volume.shape if not isinstance(trade_direction, np.ndarray): # No trade direction if pct_spread: spread = 2 * np.absolute(price - midpoint) / midpoint * 100 else: spread = 2 * np.absolute(np.log(price) - np.log(midpoint)) else: # Use trade direction assert price.shape == trade_direction.shape if pct_spread: spread = 2 * trade_direction * (price - midpoint) / midpoint * 100 else: spread = 2 * trade_direction * (np.log(price) - np.log(midpoint)) dollar_volume = volume * price if all(dollar_volume == 0): return np.nanmean(spread) return np.average(spread, weights=dollar_volume)
[docs] def realized_spread( price: np.ndarray, midpoint_later: np.ndarray, midpoint: np.ndarray, volume: np.ndarray, trade_direction: np.ndarray = None, pct_spread=True, ) -> float: """Realized spread (dollar volume weighted) Args: price (np.ndarray): ``(N,)`` array of ``N`` trade prices midpoint_later (np.ndarray): ``(N,)`` array of ``N`` bid-ask midpoints some time (e.g., 5min) after corresponding trade midpoint (np.ndarray): ``(N,)`` array of ``N`` bid-ask midpoints at trade volume (np.ndarray): ``(N,)`` array of ``N`` trade sizes trade_direction (np.ndarray, optional): ``(N,)`` array of ``N`` trade directions. Defaults to None. If None, use equation :math:numref:`realized-spread` or :math:numref:`realized-spread-log`. If set, use equation :math:numref:`realized-spread-with-direction` or :math:numref:`realized-spread-log-with-direction`. pct_spread (bool, optional): whether to return percentage spread. Defaults to True. If False, return log spread. Returns: float: realized spread """ price = np.asarray(price) midpoint_later = np.asarray(midpoint_later) midpoint = np.asarray(midpoint) volume = np.asarray(volume) assert price.shape == midpoint_later.shape == midpoint.shape == volume.shape if not isinstance(trade_direction, np.ndarray): # No trade direction if pct_spread: spread = 2 * np.absolute(price - midpoint_later) / midpoint * 100 else: spread = 2 * np.absolute(np.log(price) - np.log(midpoint_later)) else: # Use trade direction assert price.shape == trade_direction.shape if pct_spread: spread = 2 * trade_direction * (price - midpoint_later) / midpoint * 100 else: spread = 2 * trade_direction * (np.log(price) - np.log(midpoint_later)) dollar_volume = volume * price if all(dollar_volume == 0): return np.nanmean(spread) return np.average(spread, weights=dollar_volume)