Source code for frds.measures._distress_insurance_premium

import math
from statistics import NormalDist
import numpy as np
from numpy.random import RandomState

[docs] class DistressInsurancePremium: """:doc:`/measures/distress_insurance_premium`"""
[docs] def __init__(self, default_prob: np.ndarray, correlations: np.ndarray) -> None: """__init__ Args: default_prob (np.ndarray): ``(n_banks,)`` array of the bank risk-neutral default probabilities. correlations (np.ndarray): ``(n_banks, n_banks)`` array of the correlation matrix of the banks' asset returns. """ self.default_prob = default_prob self.correlations = correlations
[docs] def estimate( self, default_threshold: float = 0.15, random_seed: int = 0, n_simulated_returns: int = 500_000, n_simulations: int = 1_000, ) -> float: """estimate Args: default_threshold (float, optional): the threshold used to calculate the total losses to total liabilities. Defaults to 0.15. random_seed (int, optional): the random seed used in Monte Carlo simulation for reproducibility. Defaults to 0. n_simulated_returns (int, optional): the number of simulations to compute the distrituion of joint defaults. Defaults to 500,000. n_simulations (int, optional): the number of simulations to compute the probability of losses. Defaults to 1,000. Returns: float: The distress insurance premium against a systemic financial distress. """ # Use the class to avoid impacting the global numpy state rng = RandomState(random_seed) n_banks = len(self.default_prob) # Simulate correlated normal distributions norm = NormalDist() default_thresholds = np.fromiter( (norm.inv_cdf(i) for i in self.default_prob), self.default_prob.dtype, count=n_banks, ) R = np.linalg.cholesky(self.correlations).T z =, 1, size=(n_simulated_returns, n_banks)), R) default_dist = np.sum(z < default_thresholds, axis=1) # an array where the i-th element is the frequency of i banks jointly default # where len(frequency_of_join_defaults) is n_banks+1 frequency_of_join_defaults = np.bincount(default_dist, minlength=n_banks + 1) dist_joint_defaults = frequency_of_join_defaults / n_simulated_returns loss_given_default = np.empty(shape=(n_banks, n_simulations)) for i in range(n_banks): # fmt: off lgd = np.sum(rng.triangular(0.1, 0.55, 1, size=(i + 1, n_simulations)), axis=0) loss_given_default[i:] = lgd # fmt: on # Maximum losses are N. Divide this into N*100 intervals. # Find the probability distribution of total losses in the default case intervals = 100 loss_given_default *= intervals prob_losses = np.zeros(n_banks * intervals) for i in range(n_banks): for j in range(n_simulations): # Multiply losses_given_default(i,j) by intervals to find the right slot # in the prob_losses. Then we increment this by probability of i defaults idx = math.ceil(loss_given_default[i, j]) prob_losses[idx] += dist_joint_defaults[i + 1] # Convert to probabilities prob_losses = prob_losses / n_simulations pct_threshold = int(default_threshold * 100) # Find the probability that the losses are great than 0.15 the total liabilities i.e. > 0.15*N prob_great_losses = np.sum(prob_losses[pct_threshold * n_banks :]) exp_losses = np.array(range(pct_threshold * n_banks, intervals * n_banks)), prob_losses[pct_threshold * n_banks :], ) / (100 * prob_great_losses) return exp_losses * prob_great_losses