Source code for frds.measures._contingent_claim_analysis

from math import log, sqrt, exp
from typing import Tuple
from scipy.optimize import fsolve
from scipy.stats import norm

[docs] class ContingentClaimAnalysis: """:doc:`/measures/contingent_claim_analysis`"""
[docs] def __init__(self) -> None: pass
[docs] @staticmethod def estimate( equity: float, volatility: float, risk_free_rate: float, default_barrier: float, time_to_maturity: float, cds_spread: float, ) -> Tuple[float, float]: r"""Systemic risk based on contingent claim analysis (CCA). Args: equity (float): the market value of the equity of the firm. volatility (float): the volatility of equity. risk_free_rate (float): the risk-free rate in annualized terms. default_barrier (float): the face value of the outstandind debt at maturity. time_to_maturity (float): the time to maturity of the debt. cds_spread (float): the CDS spread for the firm. Returns: Tuple[float, float]: A tuple of put price and the firm's contribution to the systemic risk indicator (put price - CDS put price). """ def cca_func(x, e, vol, rf, d, t): init_e, init_vol = x d1 = (log(pow(init_e, 2) / d) + (rf + (pow(init_vol, 4)) / 2) * t) / ( pow(init_vol, 2) * sqrt(t) ) d2 = d1 - pow(init_vol, 2) * sqrt(t) eqty = e - init_e**2 * norm.cdf(d1) + d * exp(-rf * t) * norm.cdf(d2) sigm = e * vol - init_e**2 * init_vol**2 * norm.cdf(d1) return eqty, sigm # We need to solve a system of non-linear equations for asset price and asset volatility # x = [equity, volatility] x = fsolve( cca_func, (equity, volatility), # initial values set to equity and its volatility args=( equity, volatility, risk_free_rate, default_barrier, time_to_maturity, ), ) # We solved for (asset price)^1/2 and (asset volatility)^1/2 to ensure the # values are positive. We recover asset price and asset volatility here. x = x**2 # Solve for implied price of put d1 = ( log(x[0] / default_barrier) + (risk_free_rate + (x[1] ** 2) / 2) * time_to_maturity ) / (x[1] * sqrt(time_to_maturity)) d2 = d1 - x[1] * sqrt(time_to_maturity) # The price of the put put_price = default_barrier * exp( -risk_free_rate * time_to_maturity ) * norm.cdf(-d2) - x[0] * norm.cdf(-d1) # Solve for price of CDS implied put # Risky debt debt = default_barrier * exp(-risk_free_rate * time_to_maturity) - put_price # The price of the CDS put option cds_put = ( ( 1 - exp( -(cds_spread / 10000) * (default_barrier / debt - 1) * time_to_maturity ) ) * default_barrier * exp(-risk_free_rate * time_to_maturity) ) return put_price, put_price - cds_put